Monday, November 24, 2008


This year is looking to be such a hard Christmas this year for some. (incl. us) It is the season for giving and this economy struggle makes that a hard task to do. I, for one... LOVE to give to all my friends and family. And me not working, and Graham still fresh on the payroll... our gifts have to be tight. And I hate that! I want to get at least one good gift for all our family :( So looks like we're gonna have to do very frugal gifts for our near and dear. So, I am sending best wishes to all my freinds and loved ones for a great Christmas. Let us be thankful for all that we have this holiday. Lord knows I am so very lucky and blessed to have a loving and caring husband. A son who means the world to me, and vice versa. And a daughter that brings so much joy to each second we're in her presence. I can't wait to visit with all my family these holidays.

I only wish my two brothers were here to be with their families. Matt, so far away from his loved ones through these holidays. And more so, my heart goes out to Casey... enduring such living conditions while he counts the days of being with his wife and kids.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season!!

Halloween 08

Haven't updated in awhile...

I thought I'd update things for everyone. I've been kinda busy, so sorry!! :D
First update, here are some pictures of our Halloween this year. My adorable little Red Riding Hood and my big strong Ironman! We went to a fun little carnival our neighbors threw down the road, the kids loved it! Then we went trick or treating with Becca, Jerred, Mikayla, Kaylee, Jacob, Kameron, Bev & her friend. It was real fun.