Monday, November 24, 2008


This year is looking to be such a hard Christmas this year for some. (incl. us) It is the season for giving and this economy struggle makes that a hard task to do. I, for one... LOVE to give to all my friends and family. And me not working, and Graham still fresh on the payroll... our gifts have to be tight. And I hate that! I want to get at least one good gift for all our family :( So looks like we're gonna have to do very frugal gifts for our near and dear. So, I am sending best wishes to all my freinds and loved ones for a great Christmas. Let us be thankful for all that we have this holiday. Lord knows I am so very lucky and blessed to have a loving and caring husband. A son who means the world to me, and vice versa. And a daughter that brings so much joy to each second we're in her presence. I can't wait to visit with all my family these holidays.

I only wish my two brothers were here to be with their families. Matt, so far away from his loved ones through these holidays. And more so, my heart goes out to Casey... enduring such living conditions while he counts the days of being with his wife and kids.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season!!

Halloween 08

Haven't updated in awhile...

I thought I'd update things for everyone. I've been kinda busy, so sorry!! :D
First update, here are some pictures of our Halloween this year. My adorable little Red Riding Hood and my big strong Ironman! We went to a fun little carnival our neighbors threw down the road, the kids loved it! Then we went trick or treating with Becca, Jerred, Mikayla, Kaylee, Jacob, Kameron, Bev & her friend. It was real fun.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Night Flight Extravaganza

So Saturday night, we attended the Night Flight out at the Longview airport. It's inside an airplane hangar. It was decorated soooo beautifully. Basically it's a fundraiser for the Tatum seniors. I don't know how much this year earned, but one year each kid received $1500 towards a scholarship. I think it's a wonderful thing! They have silent auctions, a live auction, and other games in between. We got to eat Johnny Cace's and enjoy free wine, margaritas and beer all night long! Plus, it's a formal event, so we get to get all dressed up. This mom of 2 needed that! Well, here's a few pics, sorry about the quality, my camera's flash broke :(

Friday, October 10, 2008

Trip to the ZOO!

So today Jaxon's class had a field trip to the zoo. I decided I wanted to go with him. So I wrote a letter asking the teacher for details and she told me and said she'd see me there. Well, I decided to invited my bestie Becca, and Jaisey Lynn's bestie, Mikayla. So, off we go, all 4 girls in the Aztek! On the way, a sweetheart Kilgore cop decided to present me with a cute little pink piece of paper... freakin jerk. I can honestly say, I've been pulled over quite a few times, and have NEVER-EVER seen what a warning ticket looks like. (Only seen other peeoples) I always get the ticket, and I've tried every attempt of talking, flirting, crying my way out of it. So, we get set back that much, already 45 mins late as it is. We get to the zoo, walk all the way across the zoo and up a huge hill, and see Jaxon and his class. Then his teacher hands me a paper and shows me which kids I'll have in my "group". I'm like hmmm... ok. Didn't have a clue I'd be a helper, but cool, I'll take it, gladly! So off go me & the crew. It was a lot of fun, really. Jaisey Lynn and Mikayla really enjoyed it too. Here's a slideshow of the trip!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So, it has come, our 6th Halloween with Jax and 2nd with Jaisey Lynn. Last year, he was a vampire, and Jaisey was a cute little pea in the pod :D

So this year, Jax is Ironman, and Jaisey is Little Red Riding Hood. I'm going to put listick on her and everything! She's gonna be such a doll! Jax WAS going to wear a hand me-down cool dead guy thing from Austen, and was going to return the costume to Target, save money!! Well, I did not inform our little guy of this change in decision. So needless to say, that day he ripped into the package and was gonna try it on. So, looks like he will without doubt be Ironman! And I attempted putting lipstick on Jaisey tonite, to test out how hard it would be, and yeah... it's gonna be a challenge. I am going to have to use my staining colorstay kind, or else it'd last like 1.5 minutes ;) So, we'll see how that turns out.

I'm really excited to take them trick-or-treating tho. We adults decided to completely avoid all parties and going out this Halloween. I have to go all out when I get costumes, so it gets kinda pricey! And we should save money, so hence our all-about-the-kids Halloween 08!! Feels better this way, anyway.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Honeymoon

Here is a slideshow of our fabulous honeymoon in the BeAuTiFuL St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jaisey Lynn's Rough Day

So today had to have been one of the hardest and saddest days for our little angel... Today at Jaxon's soccer game, she started to run onto the field, and I went to grab her. As I did, I accidentally stepped on her ankle :( I felt so bad! Then, to make me just feel even more horrible, she sat and cried in my lap with a 100%-couldn't-be-more-pitiful-cry. It made all the Grandmas nearly cry themselves. Then, we get home and she is sitting by the remote and leaned on it and popped herself in the cheek with it. Ok-- there's a cute little bruise on her cheek for her to show off. So a few hours pass and she is following Daddy to the bedroom and falls and busts her lip on the bed frame. I rush to see it and she's got blood all over her poor little gorgeous lips :( We let her suck on some ice and it's not a small booboo to say the least. Poor thing! So now she has a badly busted lip and a pretty bruise on her face. And to end the day, she bumps her head on the door frame. I remember my Mom always telling stories of how extremely clumsy I used to be. Well, from the looks of it, that old apple isn't falling too far from Mama's tree!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ok-- blogging tryouts: Phase 1

So, I am going to try to start blogging as a new hobby. Hopefully it doesn't become a new obsession, like Myspace. Ha. I guess we will call this my "introductory blog". I'm a newly married mother of two. Graham is the hubby. Jax is the oldest (6). Jaisey is our baby girl (1). I've been married for almost 2 months now! We live in an almost too small duplex. I can't wait for a 3 bedroom house... you really have no idea. I honestly have no clue what kind of "blogger" I'll be, but I like to write, i like to share my funny family stories, and I want to be able to read them later. So, here we go... hope all of you enjoy.
Matt, hope you don't get too mad at me not doing this on my webpage. I just can't get even a basic layout going. If you want, help me get a template and I'll keep it up and love it more than a blog page.